Kapito Inc. AI

Kapito Inc. AI

Company Profile


(03) 577 9792


Kapito Inc., with its AI product fastable.ai, offers an intelligent manufacturing AI defect detection solution that has achieved success in various industries.

Currently, AI image recognition technology is maturing, and its applications are flourishing. Kapito Inc. chose to focus on defect detection because Taiwan's manufacturing and semiconductor industries possess a complete industrial chain. Leveraging our 14 years of experience in machine learning and combining it with Taiwan's unique advantages, we enable AI image recognition technology to be seamlessly integrated into production lines. We don't just provide software services; we offer a complete solution that allows customers to implement our technology quickly and seamlessly.

In 2019, Kapito Inc. received Series A funding and is currently expanding its recruitment efforts. Kapito Inc. is your best choice!

Business Philosophy

Kapito Inc.'s goal is to enable every production line to have AI. Starting from the advantage of Taiwan's unique industrial chain, we aim to develop AI services that can be deployed globally.

In entrepreneurship, as in martial arts, speed is essential. We believe that only a fast and agile organization can adapt to industry changes. We encourage rapid experimentation, rapid learning, and we are not afraid of failure. We fear only that our members may hesitate to try.






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