Date of Establishment: December 27, 1984
Head Office - KaohsiungBranch Office - Hsinchu
China Office - Dong Guan City ,Guang Dong Province - Shanghai City
Number of Employee:
34 persons (including 100% owned affiliated Co.)
Team up the elite to create outstanding company , and commit to sustainable operation to contribute value to the world
‧Farsighted Planning and wide-view operation
‧Teamwork to pursue excellence
‧Synergetic integration to create new value
‧Whole creatures oriented to grow and share amicably.
We are a trading company of materials, components , products and process equipments for present and future main stream high-tech industries ,presently with more focus on Pacific rim countries.
‧Link up quickly with market leaders of users and suppliers.
‧Seize closely market movement ,cycle , and technology trends to react timely and gain more.
‧Well cultivate company's competence to provide value-added service and develop new market.
‧Create performance gap and opportunity gap to stimulate innovative ideas and actions.
‧Investment on strategic projects and companies to widen and deepen business scopes.